Centre of excellence dedicated to the management of common anorectal problems, Pelvic floor disorders, Endoscopy and Cancer screening.

We offer painless Non-Surgical Office Treatment for haemorrhoids, fissure in ano, fistula in ano and other common proctological conditions.

We use radiofrequency ablation and laser therapy in some of these conditions. Our endoscopy procedures are done in the rooms under sedation with a competent anaethetist

Dr Inchien Chamisa

MBChB, MRCS (Glasg.) FRCS (Glasg.) FCS ( SA).
Specialist General and Laparoscopy Surgeon. Proctology-Pelvic Floor-Endoscopy-Cancer Screening



Dr Inchien Chamisa

MBChB, MRCS (Glasg.) FRCS (Glasg.) FCS ( SA), F. MAS ( WALS)

Specialist General Surgeon and Laparoscopic Surgeon
-Proctology-Pelvic Floor-Endoscopy-Cancer Screening-

Dr. I Chamisa is a Specialist General and Laparoscopic Surgeon, founder and Medical Director of the Proctology, Pelvic Floor, Endoscopy and Cancer Screening Specialist Surgical Centre ( PPEV). He specializes in the management of diseases of the anus, rectum , colon and stomach with a
special focus on ANORECTAL DISEASES, PELVIC FLOOR DISORDERS AND ENDOSCOPIC/LAPAROSCOPIC PROCEDURES, BREAST DISEASES AND CANCER SCREENING. He graduated MBChB at the University of Zimbabwe and did his internship in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.

Thereafter he had a stint in South Africa after which he left for the United Kingdom where he completed his Surgical Residence in England, Scotland and Wales. He is both a Member and Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow and also a Fellow of the
College of Surgeons of South Africa. He has undergone super specialized training in the management of proctological and colorectal conditions both nationally and internationally.

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